
Penalties and violations of all tenants automatically appear here. You can search by name, username or email of your tenants to see the details; sort by date, tenant, and description; and view the payment request attached to the violation.


How to create violation

  1. Create a Payment Request under the Unit Operations of the Units or Unit Details page.
  2. Select Violation in the category.
  3. Enter the amount if there is any penalty fee incurred. Otherwise, leave the amount to 0.
  4. Populate the remaining fields: dates, description, and attachments if there is any.

Double check before clicking finish!

This works like any other payment request. This will also send an email to the tenant indicating their violation and penalty fee that they need to settle.

Do I need to create a violation if there is no penalty fee?

This is completely up to you and how you manage your tenants. We recommend creating a violation even if there is no penatly for logging or recording purposes.