
Payments are the transactions between the property manager and tenants. A payment can either be pending or paid, and are divided into several categories:

  • Rental
  • Water
  • Electricity
  • Violation
  • Misc

There are also special approval statuses if you want your payments to be approved

  • Pending Approval (request)
  • Pending Approval (paid) See the approval flow here for more details

The payments page allows the user to easily view, search, filter, and sort through the transactions of tenants.

Payments Page

There are 2 main ways that a payment is displayed:

  1. Because payments from the tenant can encompass multiple transactions, paid payments are shown as expandable rows. The transactions are displayed as children of the parent payment.
    Paid Payments
    Paid Payment P_55 contains Payments 71
  2. Pending payments are shown as regular rows of the table.

Payment actions

There are several actions that a payment can perform:

  • Pending payments
    • Confirm payment - Confirm a payment when the tenant has paid the pending payment
    • Edit payment - Make changes to the details of the payment
    • Void payment - Remove the payment but retain it in statement records
    • Cancel payment - Completely remove the payment record from the system
  • Paid payments
    • Void payment - Remove the payment but retain it in statement records. Returns the payment to its previous state (Pending status and return credits used)
    • Cancel payment - Completely remove the payment record from the system. Returns the payment to its previous state (Pending status and return c redits used)

Payment details

Payment Details
Payment Details
To view the details of the payment, simply click on the payment to access. The generated invoice can be easily printed or downloaded by clicking on print. The attachments can also be view by clicking on Download Attachments

Online payments

We are still refining this feature so tenants can pay conveniently through credit card, GCash, Paymaya, or PayPal! Kindly let us know if you are eyeing this payment method to be made available for your tenants.

There is a convenience fee when tenants choose this payment method (3.5% + Php 15 for credit or debit cards and 2.9% for GCash). This is to be paid by tenants and should be charged on top of their bill.